
Popular types of aquarium fish – photos, names and descriptions


Popular types of aquarium fish: photos, names and descriptions
Photo: Andrey Armyagov, AdobeStock

You have no idea how rich and diverse the world of aquarium fish is! Around the world, people successfully breed dozens, if not hundreds of species. And in this collection we have collected the most popular of them! If you have been dreaming about an aquarium for a long time or are just interested in the underwater world, this article is especially for you!

1. Guppy

Even people who are far from the world of aquaristics usually accurately distinguish guppies. Small, cute, unpretentious and very tenacious – these fish adapt to different conditions and forgive the mistakes of beginners.

Photo: miraculous-prirody.com

2. Sword bearer

Swordtails got their name from the characteristic elongation of the caudal fin in males. There are several breeds of different colors. Swordtails get along well in a group and willingly breed at home.

Photo: miraculous-prirody.com

3. Apistogram

Small representatives of cichlids impress with a riot of colors. Especially common are red, yellow and blue colors. This is a tropical heat-loving fish with appropriate care requirements.

Photo: foto.akvaryum.com

4. Neon

One of the most popular species along with guppies. Neons catch the eye with their bright, spectacular colors. They are usually kept in large flocks, which shimmer so beautifully thanks to the neon blue stripe along the body.

Photo: romaniidinkazahstan.info

5. Botsia

A large group of bottom fish of various sizes. They are mainly active at dusk, and are excellent at keeping order in large aquariums. Bots are peaceful, but they can stand up for themselves.

Photo: myaquas.ru

6. Cockerel

Lovers of brightly colored fish are well aware of bettas with their variety of shapes and colors of fins. Many years of work of breeders – and the variety of breeds is impressive to this day. It is important that there is only one male in the aquarium!

Photo: aquamir63.ru

7. Danio

Danios are a bit like neon and prefer to live in the upper layers of the water. They are strictly kept in flocks, because they are stressed alone. But they do not need a very large aquarium.

Photo: activefisher.net

8. Macropod

An ideal inhabitant of tropical aquariums that breeds very well in captivity. They are not very accommodating, but rather unpretentious, so at one time they became one of the first inhabitants of aquariums.

Photo: krasivosti.pro

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9. Mollies

These are small completely black fish that are very undemanding to the quality and composition of water. But keep in mind that they grow quite large, so they need a larger aquarium.

Photo: krasivosti.pro

10. Rainbow

Bright and very beautiful freshwater fish for medium-sized home aquariums. There are so many colors – literally all shades of the rainbow. Interestingly, the saturation of colors changes during the day.

Photo: clasbio.ru

11. Akara

A very spectacular, bright and colorful representative of cichlids originally from South America. Akara is an inhabitant of huge spacious aquariums. By nature, this is a predator, which is characterized by rather aggressive behavior.

Photo: aquass.ru

12. Discus

The bright big fish resembles a disk, which is why it got its name. Discus need a spacious aquarium and careful water quality control, but they are so spectacular and unusual that they have become popular in all difficulties.

Photo: krasivosti.pro

13. Tarakatum

The armored benthic catfish cleans the bottom of food residues. In spacious aquariums, it grows up to 15 cm. The tarakatum has long recognizable whiskers. They should not be bred in close quarters, because then a peaceful fish begins to aggressively reclaim the territory.

Photo: aquass.ru

14. Goldfish

Well, who does not know the goldfish? In fact, there are much more of them than it seems – veiltail, lionheads, telescopes and many other subspecies. They need space, they are not very neat and can be aggressive towards small fish.

gold fish
Photo: miraculous-prirody.com

15. Glofish

These are luminous ornamental fish, specially bred by breeders. To make them glow, it is enough to put a blue or ultraviolet lamp next to it.

Photo: pet7.ru

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16. Astronotus

Astronotus have become popular because of their outstanding intelligence. Some aquarists even claim that the fish recognize their owner. The main difficulty is its impressive size, up to 30 cm, which requires the same impressive aquarium.

Photo: krasivosti.pro

17. Pecilia

Small fish are unpretentious in care and delight with the brightness of colors. They are also omnivores, viviparous, and do well in groups or out of packs. Therefore, they are great for beginner aquarists.

Photo: vaquariume.ru

18. Pelvicachromis pulcher

Behind the complex name lies the amazingly beautiful coloring of a tropical fish. In everyday life they are often called parrot cichlids. They are accommodating and do not harm other peaceful neighbors and plants.

Pelvicachromis pulcher
Photo: rybjata.vsite.biz

19. Scalar

She is also an angel fish because of her unusual body shape and fins. Angelfish are large, very graceful, impress with a variety of colors and need a lot of space. They prefer to live with members of their own species.

Photo: krasivosti.pro

20. Ancistrus

In everyday life, ancistrus is often called the sticky catfish because of its sucker mouth, with which it sticks to the walls of the aquarium. This is a real orderly and an indispensable assistant to any aquarist.

Photo: aquass.ru

21. Clownfish

It is with them that beginners who purchase aquariums most often begin. Clownfish easily adapts to external conditions and gets along well with such beautiful, but poisonous sea anemones for many underwater inhabitants.

Clown fish
Photo: reefcoral.ru

22. Pearl gourami

Despite its large size, this is a very peaceful fish, and it is also very easy to keep. She has a spectacular coloring, and the sides of the gourami seem to glow from the inside. They are kept in large aquariums with other fish of the same size and character.

pearl gourami
Photo: aqufish.ru

23. Acanthophthalmus

The unusual serpentine fish gets along well with other small species and with shrimps. An interesting striped color immediately attracts attention. This is a benthic inhabitant with poorly developed fins.

Photo: xbilgi.com

24. Barbus

An extensive and diverse group with representatives of various sizes. They are very active, sociable and even fussy. Barbs are kept in large groups, away from slower species.

Photo: krasivosti.pro

25. Tetra

And again a group of small schooling fish of bright and varied colors. Tetras take root well in aquariums with a lot of greenery and do not conflict with the same peaceful flock neighbors.

Photo: animals-peace.com

26. Ternetia

Schooling fish with spectacular long fins. Breeders have already bred even luminous subspecies. Ternetia gets along well with other peaceful species and does not cause trouble.

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

27. Formosa

The small viviparous fish belongs to the same group as the mollies guppies. An olive body with a black horizontal stripe ends in almost transparent fins.

Photo: en.m.wikipedia.org

28. Corridor

These are small bottom catfish, which are very diverse. Now breeders have already bred even fairly large breeds. Keep them in groups, and they perfectly clean the bottom of the aquarium.

Photo: krasivosti.pro

29. Siamese algae eater

The name of the species speaks for itself – it is a faithful assistant in the fight against unwanted algae. A silvery fish with a contrasting black stripe is not only useful, but also very cute.

Siamese algae eater
Photo: fanfishka.ru

30. Lyalius

A calm slow fish that gets along well with the same not too active neighbors. Lyalius is distinguished by a magnificent silver-orange color of males.

Photo: elassoma.com

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