7+ cool haircuts from masters with golden hands and magical vision of a new image of the client


tiktok hair


tiktok hair

Bonus 2! A haircut from Irina Dyachenko! And it’s divinely comfortable!

Both masters are on TELEGRAM, and there are not only photos, but also many videos!

I once read that the largest, most mature (experienced) female in their family community is popular with primates… I was very surprised! To the beauty of the female is added her personality aspect…

So, probably some people see the beauty in others not only in external smarminess and slimness, but also through the prism of personality, character, sense of humor, orderliness, ability to self-discipline, fullness of certain values…

Something tells me that these people are happier in their personal lives!

What do you think about that? I’m not talking about looks or image, but about an expanded perception of human beauty, not three-D, but four or five, when we perceive beauty coupled with character, strength of personality? When a smarmy but weak person is repulsive… Not as beautiful or even not seen as beautiful at all because of a weak personality?

When did you come to this? Of course, you still have to meet such people, next to whom just a smiley face pales into insignificance… You can live your whole life – like in a Hollywood movie among beautiful people.

And they turn out to be weak-willed, empty, adrift…

I think about this today, how many people around you are not biorobots, but people with active charisma, real achievers, not manipulators?
