
Home Remedies

– Use Essential Oils
Essential oils have been reported as an effective and natural way to repel and get rid of cockroaches. A mixture of citronella, tea tree, cypress and peppermint have been found to kill cockroaches when sprayed directly on them or their nests.

– Bicarbonate of Soda and Water

Bicarbonate of soda, also known as baking soda has been found to be a very effective ingredient in cooking and cleaning. It is also very safe to use t around toys, children and pets. Simply mix an equal amount of baking soda with sugar or honey and then place it in their breeding spots.

– A Mixture of Borax and Sugar

One mixture that is even more effective than that containing baking soda is the mixture of borax and sugar. Combine 75% borax with 25% sugar and place them at their usual spots to kill cockroaches by drying out their exoskeletons. Even though this combination is environmentally friendly and less expensive than commercial roach killers, it should still be kept away from children and pets.
