Some natural methods to fight off mosquitoes


Another method is to cover your windowsills with a cloth or napkin which has been soaked in the essential oil. The use of essential oils also works well in large spaces.


There are different ways to utilize the power of essential oils against mosquitoes. The first is to use an oil burner or evaporator in spreading the scent of the essential oil around the home.

If you are lucky to have an empty cartridge for an electric fumigator and will like to avoid using chemicals to repel mosquitoes, you can simply fill the cartridge with the eucalyptus extract and use it around the home.

This drives the mosquitoes away.
Mosquitoes don’t like elder tree so having a few branches in a vase will drive them off
Add juniper shoots to an outdoor fire to ensure that the fire does not draw the attention of mosquitoes towards you
Tomato leaves tend to irritate mosquitoes so use them to your advantage

If you will be exposing any part of your skin, apply mountain ash and cherry leaves to prevent these insects from biting your skin
To avoid the use of chemicals on any part of the body, you can make use of wormwood roots which is a natural solution. Simply chop some roots, add a liter of water, boil, cover the mixture, and then leave for about 20 minutes to get the desired effect.

You may be unlucky to find out one of these big mosquitoes has found a means to bite the skin while you were asleep. Continue reading on the next page
