Lavender soap
- A plain liquid castile soap
- 30 drops lavender essential oil
1. Add the drops of lavender essential oil to the castile soap and combine well.
2. Bath with the soap either daily or before stepping out.
3. Washing your body with this soap will prevent bugs from attacking you.
Recipe 2:
Lavender oil-based moisturizer I
- 1 tablespoon carrier oil (olive oil/coconut oil/sweet almond oil/apricot kernel oil/avocado oil)
- 1-2 drops lavender essential oil
1. Add drops of lavender essential oil to the carrier oil you use.
2. Rub and massage into skin or that of your pet.
3. You can increase the amount of drops as you tolerate it.
Recipe 3:
Lavender oil-based moisturizer II
- 2 tablespoons carrier oil of choice
- 10-25 drops lavender essential oil
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
1. Combine the ingredients and rub on your skin.
2. You can also place a dab on your pet’s collar to repel ticks.