13 home remedies for dry and damaged hair


Condition with olive oil


Return moisture to dry hair by heating 1/2 cup olive oil (do not boil it) and then rubbing it into the hair. Cover your curls with a plastic bag, then wrap everything in a towel. Leave this home remedy in for 45 minutes, then shampoo and rinse your hair completely.

Rinse with tea

You may think of tea as a remedy for a sore throat, but you can also use it to give your hair a natural shine. Use a liter of lukewarm unsweetened tea (freshly brewed or instant) as a final rinse after your regular shampoo. Tea can intensify hair color, so be sure to use tea that matches your hair color. Blondes are better off using chamomile tea; black tea can darken their locks. Brunettes are better off using black tea to enhance shine and enrich color.
